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In Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), on March 28-29, 2023, a regional workshop on countering illicit trafficking of drugs and new psychoactive substances was held in a hybrid format.

The event organized jointly with the OSCE Center in Ashgabat and the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia. It was attended by delegations of the competent authorities of the countries of Central Asia, Italy, representatives of UNODC, OSCE and CARICC.

Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat Ambassador John Macgregor, representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, UNODC Regional Representative Ms Ashita Mittal, Ambassador of Italy in Ashgabat Mr Luigi Ferrari, Deputy Head of the Embassy of Japan in Turkmenistan Hideki Hosaka spoke at the opening of the seminar.

At the meeting, the participants exchanged of views on the emerging drug situation in Central Asia, and discussed the existing mechanisms to combat drug trafficking in the region.

The delegations of the Central Asian countries made presentations on the national experience in combating the new challenges of the drug threat in their countries.

 Within the framework of the session “Law Enforcement and Legislative Measures to Counter the Spread of New Psychoactive Substances”, a representative of CARICC made a presentation.

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On March 16, 2023 in Vienna, within the framework of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev A.O. took part in a side event organized by the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia and the Central Asia Drug Prevention Program (CADAP 7) on the topic “Uzbekistan’s efforts to strengthen a drug-free world: prospects for strengthening regional cooperation in the anti-drug sphere."

The event was moderated by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Vienna, Abat Fayzullaev, and the UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia, Ashita Mitall.

The event was attended by representatives of the competent authorities of the CARICC member states, employees of the UNODC headquarters, as well as permanent missions of countries to international organizations in Vienna.

During the event, the organizers showed a video with a subsequent presentation on the trends in the drug situation in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022, measures taken in the country to combat drug trafficking, preventive measures in the anti-drug sphere, as well as initiatives to create mobile groups in the region as part of the implementation of Regional UNODC programs.

In his speech, CARICC Director A. Yazlyev noted that the Republic of Uzbekistan takes an active part in organizing and holding various international and regional events, including anti-drug operations, trainings and seminars held under the auspices of the SCO and CARICC. He emphasized support for the efforts of the Republic of Uzbekistan undertaken on the anti-drug track and expressed readiness to build up close cooperation in order to jointly suppress international drug trafficking and transnational drug crime.

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Within the framework of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna, on March 15, the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev A.O. took part in a side event organized by the Republic of Tajikistan on the topic “Overview of the drug situation in Tajikistan in 2022”.

The event was attended by leaders and representatives of UN member states, international organizations and civil society.

The main trends in the drug situation in the country, as well as the measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, international and public organizations in the field of drug control and drug addiction prevention, including the strengthening of the State Border and the development of international cooperation, as well as the implementation of anti-drug programs in country.

In turn, the Director of CARICC in his speech emphasized that Tajikistan is actively contributing to the fight against international drug trafficking. The annual preparation and publication by the Drug Control Agency of the “Overview of the Drug Situation in the Republic of Tajikistan” is a contribution to the process of analyzing regional trends in drug trafficking and abuse.

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On March 15, 2023 in Vienna, within the framework of the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev A.O. took part in a side event organized by Turkmenistan jointly with the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia on the topic “Active dialogue in the prevention of illicit drug use”. CARICC also acted as a co-organizer of this event.

The event was attended by the heads of the competent authorities of the CARICC member states, representatives of UNODC in Vienna, as well as permanent missions of countries to international organizations in Vienna, international and regional organizations.

The organizers of the event provided information on the measures taken by Turkmenistan to prevent the illegal use of narcotic drugs, including the implementation of initiatives in the country in the fight against drug trafficking, as well as a number of other aspects related to the prevention of drug addiction.

The Director of CARICC A. Yazlyev, in his speech noted the importance of the measures taken by Turkmenistan aimed at preventing the illegal use of narcotic drugs, including measures to combat drugs and prevent drug addiction in general.

Meanwhile, taking into account the development of the current drug situation in the region, the intensification of joint efforts in the fight against transnational and organized drug crime, the strengthening of international cooperation, as well as the development of an active dialogue in the anti-drug sphere with the full support of UNODC was emphasized in order to coordinate the efforts of the entire world community.

He also noted that Turkmenistan, being a member of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs for 2020-2023, initiates joint coordinated actions in the fight against drugs and actively promotes international and regional cooperation in the field of drug trafficking.

Along with this, an initiative was also expressed to solve problems through the prism of CARICC, which has a set of tools to unite the efforts of the competent authorities of the countries of the region in the fight against transnational organized drug crime and drug trafficking.

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On March 14, 2023, on the sidelines of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, a meeting of the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev took place with representatives of the International Criminal Police Organization «Interpol».

The Director of CARICC informed about the current activities of the Center, as one of the large-scale and significant projects of UNODC in Central Asia, the drug situation in the countries of Central Asia, as well as the main activities of the Center, the results achieved and plans for the near future.

The parties discussed issues of interaction between CARICC and Interpol in the area of information exchange on the drug situation and the fight against cross-border organized drug crime.

The meeting participants also discussed a number of current and future issues of mutual interest.

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On March 14, 2023, following the results of the side event held by CARICC, a meeting was held with Director Yazlyev A.O. with the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kairat Umarov.

During the meeting, issues of cooperation in the field of combating drug trafficking, as well as a number of other issues related to the activities of CARICC were discussed.

Information was provided on the measures taken to address the issues of financing CARICC by donor countries, including measures that provide for assistance by the Center in conducting special anti-drug operations, including controlled deliveries.

Mr. K. Umarov confirmed his interest in further development and strengthening of cooperation with CARICC, and also expressed Kazakhstan's support in considering

issues of ensuring its uninterrupted functioning.

 At the same time, the Director of CARICC expressed gratitude to the Kazakh side for the support provided to the activities of the Center, including financial ones, and also expressed hope for further support in resolving issues of developing the activities of the Organization.

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On March 13, 2023, on the sidelines of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, held from March 13 to 17 in Vienna, a meeting of the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev A.O. with the Director of the Gulf Cooperation Council Criminal Information Center to Combat Drugs (GCC-CIC), Mr. Eisa Saeed Al Kuwari.

The parties presented information on the current activities of the two centers in the regions of the Arab States of the Gulf and Central Asia, and also discussed the drug situation in the member countries of their organizations.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the practical aspects of bilateral cooperation against the backdrop of a rapidly changing drug situation and an increase in seizures of hard drugs in their regions.

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On March 13, 2023, on the sidelines of the 66th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, held from March 13 to 17 in Vienna, a meeting of the CARICC delegation headed by Director Yazlyev A.O. with the UNODC Representative in Vienna, Mr. Tofig Murshudlu.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on the state and prospects of international cooperation, discussed issues of joint cooperation within the framework of anti-drug projects implemented under the auspices of the UN, as well as the provision of financial and technical assistance to CARICC.

Along with this, Mr. T.Murshudlu emphasized the importance of CARICC as a regional anti-drug organization that has achieved positive results in practical activities that are important for the participating states and the region as a whole.

Mr. A. Yazlyev expressed gratitude to the UNODC representative for the support provided by CARICC and expressed readiness to intensify cooperation in the implementation of joint anti-drug projects.

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