
Thursday, 07 September 2023 10:16

CARICC Director working meetings in Baku

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Working meetings of CARICC Director Mr. Atageldi Yazlyyev with heads of competent authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan were organized on 5-6 September 2023 in accordance with CARICC Main Events Plan.

Talks were organized with Mr. V. Eyvazov, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Mr. Sh. Bagirov, Chairman of the State Customs Committee. At the meeting parties exchanged views on development of drug situation in Azerbaijan and in CARICC Member States, outlined measures on stimulation of interaction on organization of international counternarcotics measures, further coordination of matters related to organization of CARICC activities brought up before regular meeting of the Council of National Coordinators.

In addition, a meeting was held with leadership of the Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) of the World Customs Organization Europe Region. CARICC presentation on its performance results, perspectives and plans for the future was delivered to staff members of ROCB and SCC of Azerbaijan during the event.

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