
Breaking news (437)

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A simulation training dedicated to detection of drug crime on the Internet and investigation of drug money laundering for law enforcement officers and special agencies was conducted in the period from 22 to 26 April 2024 in Koshy at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The training program consisted of a series of practical exercises and simulations aimed at teaching officers the latest techniques to combat online drug trafficking and related money laundering.

The training focused on key aspects of combating drug trafficking and money laundering, including application of advanced technologies and strategic approaches. Participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in this area thanks to international co-operation with partners such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Section (INL) of the US Embassy, the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and Kazdream IT Holding.

The event brought together 26 representatives from various agencies, including prosecutors, national security, internal affairs and financial monitoring from Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Akmola and Karaganda regions, and officers from central office of the General Prosecutor's Office.

Simulation training was an important step in enhancing professional skills of law enforcement officers and contributed to raising awareness of contemporary challenges and threats in countering drug crime.

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CARICC delegation headed by Director A. Yazlyyev visited Tashkent on 25-26 April 2024 and held consultations with leadership of competent authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During a meeting with Mr. S. Boydedayev, Director of the National Information-Analytical Center on Drug Control of the Republic of Uzbekistan, parties exchanged views on development of drug situation in Uzbekistan and Central Asian region. They expressed mutual interest in enhancing international counter-narcotics cooperation between countries and specialized organizations.

During his meeting with Mr. Muzaffar Madrakhimov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, CARICC Director informed about current efforts of the organization he leads. Both sides also discussed intensification of cooperation under CARICC.

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A meeting was held at CARICC on 23 April 2024 with Nate Rettenmayer and Brian Gillespie, Heads of Section of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) at the US Embassies in Tashkent and Dushanbe.

Welcoming the guests of the Centre, CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev informed about activities of the Centre, which coordinated a number of counternarcotics operations, including international controlled deliveries. This resulted in the seizure of a significant amount of drugs and precursors, arrest of scores of leaders and active members of organized criminal groups.

A separate description was given of CARICC's information and analytical efforts in preparing regular information reports and bulletins on combating drug trafficking, conducting research on various aspects of the drug problem, and organizing and conducting training courses and workshops for representatives of law enforcement agencies of Central Asian countries. 

The US INL Delegation highly appreciated CARICC activity as a regional information and analytical center. A hope was expressed for strengthening this regional coordination mechanism, including with financial assistance of CARICC Member States and its donors.

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A regular meeting of the Council of National Coordinators (CNC) of CARICC Member States was held in hybrid format in Almaty on 19 April 2024.

During the event parties endorsed Development Strategy of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors for 2024-2028, and approved draft Memorandum of Understanding between CARICC and the Afghanistan Research Center of Shaanxi University (PRC) authorizing CARICC Director to sign it.

Parties also reviewed matters of financial sustainability of CARICC during the CNC meeting.

Meeting resulted in an agreement to convene next meeting of CNC of CARICC Member States in the second half of 2024.

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A week-long regional training on "Investigating Cybercrime Cases: Best Practices, Challenges and Cross-Border Cooperation and Coordination" was held on 16-19 April 2024 in Almaty at CARICC premises.

The event was attended by representatives of competent authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Instructors included experts from UNODC on crime prevention and criminal justice (Qatar), head of Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies (Uzbekistan), prosecutor from the Department of Procedural Management of Investigation of the General Inspectorate and the Central Criminal Police Department (Georgia).

The training reviewed current trends in cybercrime and use of electronic evidence in cybercrime investigations. Artificial intelligence and intelligent investigation in countering cybercrime committed via Darknet were examined separately.

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CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev met Li Xinwei, Deputy Director of the Afghanistan Research Center of Shaanxi University (PRC), on 11 April 2024 in Almaty.

During the meeting parties discussed emerging drug situation in the Central Asian region and the People's Republic of China, exchanged views on prospects for development of the situation in this field.

Li Xinwei noted that the organization she represents serves as an information center assisting in analysis and exchange of information related to drug trafficking. The representative expressed interest in establishing cooperation between the Afghanistan Research Center of Shaanxi University and CARICC on exchange of analytical surveys and other products in the field of countering cross-border organized crime related to drug trafficking.

Parties also highlighted the importance of sharing best practices in law enforcement, conducting joint working meetings, consultations, forums and trainings on combating drug trafficking at both regional and international levels.

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In the period from 25 March to 3 April 2024 CARICC staff members conducted training for law enforcement officers of Mongolia on skills and practical application of specialized software "i2 iBase", "i2 Analyst Notebook", and geoinformation application "ArcGIS".

The event was organized at the Academy of the General Intelligence Agency of Mongolia.

Participants reported that the training fully corresponded to functional responsibilities and was highly useful in day-to-day service-military duties of officers.

Training participants noted high level of preparation of the event and instructors, and also interesting and relaxed presentation of training content.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 15:59

Meeting with liaison officer of Finland

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CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev met with Ossi Granat, Counselor for Police Affairs at the Embassy of Finland in Moscow, on 27 March 2024 in Almaty.

During the meeting CARICC Director informed about activities of the Centre in the field of organization and coordination of counter-narcotics operations, and information-analytical work.

Mr. Ossi Granat, in turn, told that his tasks include ensuring interaction of the Finnish authorities with CARICC in exchange of information in the field of combating drug trafficking. Mr. Granat expressed interest in establishing contacts and expanding cooperation in joint operations to counter drug trafficking.

Parties also exchanged views on development of cooperation between Finnish law enforcement agencies and CARICC, and discussed possible areas of cooperation in matters of common interest.

Finland, along with 17 other countries, has observer status with CARICC. Observer state ensures exchange of information of mutual interest between the Centre and competent authorities of the sending state, advises the Centre and authorized representatives of member states on regulations of their national legislation, and, if necessary, assists in organization and carrying out of coordinated joint international operations, operative - investigative measures, including controlled deliveries.

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