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Within the framework of the components “Law enforcement systems for the collection, analysis and exchange of operational information in the field of drug control and law enforcement initiatives based on operational analytical data” and “Countering the traffic of opiates from Afghanistan through the northern route by strengthening the capacity of the main checkpoints and establishing border interaction offices” of Subprogramme 1 of the UNODC Program for Central Asian States during the period from September 20 to 24, 2021 in Tashkent, employees of the CARICC on the basis of the Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training of the Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted a national training course of methods of processing and analyzing information using specialized (including “i2”) and open programs for employees of analytical departments of the competent bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the participants, the training matched the functional responsibilities of the trainees and proved greatly helpful in the daily service and military activities of the employees of the above-mentioned agencies.  

The participants of the training noted the high level of organization of the event and the instructional staff as well as the interesting and simple presenting of the training material. 

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In the period from August 30 to September 3, 2021 at the Training Center of the Border Service of the State National Security Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic in Osh, a training course was held on the operation of specialized software IBM i2 "iBase" and "Analyst's Notebook", as well as the navigation cartographic program "SAS.Planet" for employees of operational activities and information analytical subdivision of the Border Service.

The event was held with the participation of UNODC and CARICC specialists as part of the component on strengthening cross-border cooperation in Central Asia through the formation of information networks in the agencies responsible for ensuring border security of Sub-program 1 of the UNODC Program for Central Asia.

The participants acquired basic skills in organizing and conducting operational and strategic analysis in the presence of a large data set using specialized software IBM i2 "iBase" and "Analyst's Notebook", as well as the navigation cartographic program "SAS.Planet".

The sessions are organized based on a combination of several teaching methods, in particular: presentations, participant questionnaires and practical exercises.

As a result of the training course, students acquired and mastered the appropriate basic skills in organizing and conducting operational and strategic data analysis using the considered specialized software.

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On an ongoing basis, CARICC is taking the necessary measures to ensure its financial sustainability.

In April 2021, jointly with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, donors' conference was held with the Heads of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations accredited in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Additionally, in Nur-Sultan, there have been organized meetings between the Center leadership and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the Heads of Diplomatic Missions, Embassies of foreign countries and Representative Offices on the issue of donor assistance.

In this respect, we heartened to note the allocation from the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation of regular voluntary contributions to the Center's budget in the amount of $100,000 each.

These mentioned contributions will provide support for the Center's target areas of activity.

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During the period from 3rd to 5th August 2021 in Ankara there were held the meeting of the CARICC Director Major General Miralizoda R.A., Head of the Program Office in the Republic of Kazakhstan of UNODC Mr. Naweed Riaz (connected online) with the Head of Turkish International Academy against Drugs and Organized Crime (TADOC) as well as with the Heads of Departments for Combating Drug and Cybercrime of the Turkish National Police.

Over the course of the meeting in TADOC the Head of the Academy Mr. Erdem Ozler and the Representative of the Turkish National Police expressed readiness to cooperate upon the relevant issues of drug countering, to arrange and hold international seminars and trainings as well as joint projects realization in this area for employees of competent bodies of the CARICC participant countries. 

CARICC’s Director Miralizoda R.A. noted that the Center attaches a great importance to cooperation with the TADOC primarily in the matters of education and advanced vocational trainings for the NCA’s employees as well as fully supports all initiatives and efforts of the international community aimed at countering drug trafficking.    

In this regard and with a view to strengthen the cooperation bases in these directions of activity as a result of the meeting an agreement was reached on the development and signing of an Agreement (memorandum) on cooperation between CARICC and TADOC.

At the meeting of the CARICC’s Director Miralizoda R.A. with the Heads of the Departments for combating Drug and Cybercrime of the Turkish National Police the Center noted the role of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Turkey, which are at the forefront of the departments of the states of the world community that successfully counteract drug trafficking and related crime.

This is confirmed by the significant volumes of seized drugs and the number of liquidated organized criminal drug groups.

In turn, the heads of the Turkish National Police Departments shared their experience and skills, expressed their readiness to participate in seminars and trainings on the basis of the CARICC on education and training of employees of the CARICC NCA on new methods of combating drug trafficking and cybercrime within the framework of specialized programs, projects and other activities, including ones supported by the UNODC.

Additionally, the Turkish side was pleased with the information about the carrying out of systematic by the Center to grant Turkey the status of a full member of the CARICC and its joining to the Agreement on its Establishment, with the prospect of making a positive decision on this issue in the near future.

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On the site of the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors, from 28 to 30 July 2021, a meeting was held to develop a scenario for a simulation training on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from drug crime.
The organizers were the Program Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan and the INL at the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan in partnership with the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The event was held with the participation of representatives of CARICC, the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and invited international experts on the project “Strengthening the capacity of competent authorities in conducting parallel financial investigations and suppressing illegal financial flows associated with organized crime and drug trafficking ”.
Representatives of CARICC spoke to the participants of the meeting and assisted in its holding from the perspective of international experts in the field of combating drug trafficking. The participants were presented with a presentation on the international and regional practice of conducting financial investigations for the purpose of countering the laundering (legalization) of criminal proceeds from illicit drug trafficking.
At the meeting, the issues of introducing simplified organizational forms of interaction between law enforcement agencies and financial intelligence units were widely discussed.
The participants exchanged expert opinions, experience and best practice on the latest developments in financial investigations and the suppression of illegal financial flows related to organized crime, drug trafficking, cybercrime and virtual assets. The importance of international cooperation in this area was noted, the Concept of simulation training for employees of the competent authorities of Kazakhstan was proposed.

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In 29-30 July 2021 in Tashkent, the Director of CARICC, Major General Miralizoda Rustam Aziz, met with the leadership and representatives of the competent authorities of Uzbekistan and the UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister G. Fazylov noted that the priority of Uzbekistan's foreign policy is the region of Central Asia. In this regard, the issue of expanding cooperation with CARICC is in the focus of attention of the foreign ministry of Uzbekistan. At the same time, he expressed support for the CARICC initiatives to expand bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of combating drug trafficking.

At the meeting in NCDC, representatives of the competent authorities of Uzbekistan expressed interest in enhancing cooperation with CARICC on a wide range of anti-drug interaction. An agreement was reached to intensify interaction in areas of cooperation of mutual interest.

At the meeting of CARICC Director R. Miralizoda with UNODC Regional Representative for Central Asia A. Mittal, proposals for the draft Program for Central Asian countries for a new five-year period were discussed, the official adoption of which is planned to coincide with the first visit of the new UNODC Executive Director Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly to Central Asia.

R.Miralizoda said that in the modern conditions of the development of the drug situation, interaction within the framework of UNODC projects through the possibilities of CARICC as an instrument of inter-network cooperation in the international fight against drugs is acquiring special relevance.

The parties reached an agreement to expand cooperation between CARICC and UNODC on topical issues of modern development of the drug situation.

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On July 28th, 2021, the UNODC Regional Program for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries, together with the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center, convened an online preparatory meeting on the regional operation " Substitution. Phase 3".

The meeting was attended by law enforcement officers of the precursor units from Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of CARICC, UNODC and INCB.

This operation is the result of the long-term and fruitful cooperation between CARICC and the Regional Program.

During the meeting, the participants considered the draft plan of the regional operation "Substitution. Phase 3", presented by specialist of the International Operations Promotion and Coordination Unit, including Controlled Deliveries of CARICC as well as expressed their support for the plan and pre-approved the terms of the operation and its timing.

It was decided that the operation would focus on identifying and seizure of contraband shipments of acetic anhydride, ammonium chloride, acetic acid, as well as uncontrolled chemicals that are either directly used in the illegal manufacture of heroin, or serve as a cover for contraband shipments of acetic anhydride.

The meeting was organized under the auspices of the UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and neighboring countries, with financial support from Finland. The INCB provided expert support to the meeting.

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On July 6, 2021, representatives of the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors (CARICC / Center) by invitation of the Bureau for the Coordination of Combating Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes on the Territory of the CIS States, via videoconference took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of the Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the CIS member states on the theme: "Organization of coordinated measures in the field of countering cross-border drug trafficking", which was organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

The event was attended by employees of the internal affairs bodies of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, representatives of authorized bodies in the field of security and law and order, as well as experts of scientific and educational organizations of the Commonwealth countries.

During the event, the participants presented relevant reports on various topics of the field of activity. The staff of the Center presented a report on the topic: "CARICC as a leading platform for regional and international cooperation in the field of combating drug trafficking and cross-border drug-related crime".

The organizers of this event expressed gratitude for the fruitful participation and presentation of meaningful information.

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