
Monday, 01 April 2019 15:31

Working meeting with RATS SCO

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On March 29, 2019, a working meeting was held at CARICC with Mr. GB Pustovitov Director of the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors with the Deputy Directors Mr. A.G. Mukashev and Mr. A.B. Turdimatov of the RATS SCO Executive Committee. The meeting was also attended by the CARICC - heads of divisions and employees of the Center, authorized representatives of the competent authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan to CARICC; from the guests' side - an expert of the RATS SCO Executive Committee.
During the meeting, information was presented on the goals and objectives of the Center as part of the mandate, results of operations, operations carried out in the region with the active participation and coordinating role of CARICC, as well as initiatives that CARICC plans to implement in the near future.
Further joint actions were discussed to implement the results of negotiations enshrined in the Protocol between the heads of the RATS SCO and CARICC dated June 15, 2018 in Tashkent.
The parties recognized the importance of strengthening cooperation between CARICC and the RATS SCO Executive Committee and expressed their intention to continue cooperation.



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