Signing of the Protocol of intentions on cooperation between CARICC and the Academy of Law Enforcement under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
21 июня 2018 года в ЦАРИКЦ состоялась официальная встреча руководства Центра с представителями Академии правоохранительных органов при Генеральной прокуратуре Республики Казахстан во главе с исполняющим обязанности Ректора Ш.Шаяхметовым.
June 21, 2018 in CARICC held an official meeting of the Center's leadership with representatives of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies at the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by Acting Rector Sh. Shayakhmetov.
Expressing its intention to intensify bilateral cooperation in the field of countering illicit drug trafficking, the Director of CARICC G.Pustovitov and acting Rector of the Academy Sh. Shayakhmetov signed a Protocol of intentions on cooperation in the field of countering illicit drug trafficking.
The signing of this Protocol will allow both Parties to establish both an exchange of experience in anti-drug activities and to identify common points of contact in the field of organizing and conducting joint scientific research, trainings and seminars, as well as the preparation and production of teaching aids and scientific and practical publications.
After signing the Protocol of Intentions for cooperation, a tour of the CARICC office was organized for the representatives of the Academy.