
Tuesday, 07 March 2017 16:35

UNODC and CARICC strengthen information and analytical capacity of law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan

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A joint meeting of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Projects (UNODC) XAC/K22 “Countering the trafficking of Afghan opiates via the northern route by enhancing the capacity of key border crossing points and through the establishment of Border Liaison Offices” and RER/F23 “Drug law enforcement systems for criminal intelligence collection, analysis and exchange” was held on March 3, 2017 in Bishkek.
Representatives of CARICC and officers of analytical departments of law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic took part in the meeting to discuss issues of organizing events aimed at increasing efficiency of using the analytical software “IBM i2”.
The meeting participants familiarized themselves with the existing mechanisms for collection and analysis of intelligence, discussed and agreed a plan for implementing joint activities to strengthen the information and analytical work of law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic involved in protecting the state border. “UNODC will continue to strengthen the capacity of Kyrgyz border guards through creation of a platform for the exchange of intelligence. This will allow law enforcement officials to send each other information in real time to effectively combat customs offenses, drug trafficking and organized crime,” said Yusuf Kurbonov, international coordinator of the UNODC. A representative of CARICC, in presentation on “Information and communication lines of CARICC”, talked on the use of external information channels and databases, as well as a project to launch the information and communication system “TOR” and its benefits.
The meeting participants again noted that the use of specialized analytical software is a prerequisite for improving quality of law enforcement. The meeting held contributed to the strengthening of interaction between analytical and operational units of law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic and CARICC.



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