
Tuesday, 19 March 2024 13:19

CARICC organized a side-event during the 67th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs

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CARICC delegation headed by Director A. Yazlyyev held a side-event titled "CARICC - a Universal Platform for Counter-Narcotics Cooperation" at the Vienna International Center on 18 March 2024.

The event was organized during the regular segment of the 67th Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs from 18 to 22 March 2024 in Vienna.

The meeting brought together heads and employees of counter-narcotics agencies of CARICC Member States, representatives of the UNODC Headquarters and Tashkent Office, experts from INTERPOL and other international organizations.

Opening the event, Mr. A. Yazlyyev remarked that CARICC carries out analysis of drug situation under its mandate on a regular basis, focusing on prospects and trends of its development in the Central Asian region. Findings show negative trends in the territory of the Centre's Member States, which calls for concrete efforts in the region to normalize drug situation and preserve peace and security. In this context, it is proposed to actively use CARICC capabilities at the international level in combating transnational organized drug crime.

Representatives of CARICC Member States, experts from UNODC, INTERPOL and other international organizations highlighted the importance of continued cooperation of member countries, observers and donors within CARICC framework. They recognized unique CARICC mechanism set up under the auspices of the UN, providing a platform for international cooperation in countering drug trafficking. They also suggested to support the Centre in ensuring its financial sustainability.

CARICC delegation took part in the side-event "Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking among Population, especially Young People, and Rehabilitation of Drug Users" hosted by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 18 March.

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