
Wednesday, 20 July 2022 14:13

The Center held a de-briefing based on the results of special anti-drug operations using the "international controlled delivery" method

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As part of the implementation of its mandate, CARICC has in recent years stepped up joint activities to provide assistance and coordination in conducting international operations aimed at identifying and eliminating transnational drug supply channels from their centers of production to global drug markets.

One of the most effective practices used by law enforcement agencies in countering these threats is special operations under the "international controlled delivery of drugs" method.

As a result of operational developments carried out according to the information of the Kazakhstan side, from 2020 to the present, under the coordination of CARICC, 7 short-term anti-drug operations have been successfully carried out with the participation of law enforcement agencies of the member states of the Center, Afghanistan, as well as European countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy). As a result of the operations, 740 kg of drugs (heroin, mephedrone, MDMA, cannabis) were seized.

Similarly, in March 2022, following the results of conducting, together with the competent authorities of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, an international controlled delivery along the Almaty-Tashkent route, by air in the form of a postal item, a long-term development of an international organized drug group from among the citizens of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was carried out, with the seizure of more than 13 kg of mephedrone.

It is important to note that these operations initiated by the Kazakhstan side, complex in their design, were implemented for the first time not only in the history of the Center, but also in the practice of most of its member states.

It is noteworthy that during the period of quarantine and the global transition to the online mode of national and international organizations, CARICC with the existing staff of 5 employees continued to work in person and coordinate these operations, acting as a link between the participants in the operations and ensuring close cooperation between the competent authorities of the parties.

The de-briefing was attended by 40 representatives from the delegations of UNODC, the United States, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Italy, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as in the online the format of over 80 employees of the competent authorities of the participating states and CARICC observers, international organizations.

The holding of this event allowed the participants in the operations to make presentations and discuss the practical aspects of the interaction of the parties in the implementation of such events in order to develop appropriate recommendations.

In particular, a number of important and fundamental issues that arise in the conduct of international controlled drug deliveries were identified during the speeches of representatives of the delegations of the CSTO, the CIS ATC, the SCO RATS and the China National Narcotics Control Commission.

The participants of the de-briefing, expressing their full approval and support for the special operations carried out under the auspices of CARICC, expressed the opinion that their results can serve as a good example of operational work at the international level, and the results achieved should be widely applied in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies to increase the efficiency of their work.

In turn, expanding the circle of participants from among international partners in conducting such operations will contribute to the successful organization and implementation of joint measures to combat drug crime.

During the de-briefing, in the context of the theme of the event, the Tajik side organized a presentation of the book-monograph of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel-General of Militia Rakhimzoda R.Kh. "International Controlled Delivery", recognized by the international expert community as an outstanding scientific work and recommended as a methodological guide and manual for practitioners, faculty and students of specialized educational institutions of law enforcement and special bodies.

In general, the de-briefing confirmed the importance of further cooperation in combating transnational drug crime, outlined the prospects for its development in the future, and the constructive and concrete proposals made it possible not only to identify new directions in the organization of anti-drug operations, but also to begin developing specific mechanisms for their implementation in perspective.

At the end of the event, it was noted that CARICC today has reached a sufficient operational and information-analytical level to ensure effective interaction at the regional and international levels, and its openness to all and readiness for close practical cooperation in the anti-drug sphere was emphasized.

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