
Wednesday, 24 November 2021 14:42

CARICC participated in the 35th EAG Plenary Meeting

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On 11-12 and 18 November 2021 meetings of working groups and the 35th Plenary meeting of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) were held online, which were attended by representatives of EAG member-states, FATF Secretariat as well as states and organizations-observers of the Group.

On November 12, 2021 the representative of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Center for combating illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (CARICC/Centre) Ms. T. Evdokimova took part in the meeting of the Working Group on typologies and combating financing of terrorism and crime (WGTCFTC) organized via video conference within the 35th EAG Plenary meeting.

The representatives of 9 EAG member states (Republic of Belarus, Republic of India, Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Republic of China, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan), FATF Secretariat as well as 13 states and 18 organizations-observers of the Group took part in the event.

Ms. T. Evdokimova, the member of the project group on development of the typologies project "EAG Financial Investigation Manual on AML/CFT" concurrently, presented current results of the typologies project, which include: project progress, current status of questionnaire responses, activity of individual observers in the project, conducted activities of the project group during the intersessional period, as well as further short-term steps of the project.

The Secretariat, due to justified reasons and objective circumstances, proposed to consider postponing the approval of the EAG AML/CFT Financial Investigations Manual for one plenary cycle, i.e. until the 37th Plenary meeting in November 2022.

The WGTCFTC participants exchanged best practices, typologies and experience in automation of analytical activities. In particular, the working group held a round table on the exchange of AML/CFT best practices. The participants of the meeting considered the practice of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Transparent Blockchain digital service for monitoring and analysis of cryptocurrency transactions", as well as heard the speech of the UN Monitoring Group on the topic: "History and current status of the sanctions regime of the UN Security Council Committee 1988", discussed the situation in Afghanistan.

The Plenary meeting elected Mr. Y.A.  Chikhanchin as the EAG Chairman. (Russian Federation) and Deputy EAG Chairman Mr. D.D. Khalbayev (Turkmenistan) for the period 2022-2023 and approved the main priorities of the presidency in 2022-2023.

The Plenary heard the 3rd report on the progress of the Kyrgyz Republic without reviewing the technical compliance ratings under the second round of EAG mutual evaluations and noted the country's progress in improving the AML/CFT system, and approved the high-level mission to the Kyrgyz Republic to confirm the political will to follow the specified FATF Principles for voluntary tax compliance programs.

In addition, it was agreed to hold the next Forum of the Eurasian AML/CFT Group, which will be held in the beginning of 2022 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Plenary meeting approved the extension of work on the first round of ML/TF risk assessment in the Eurasian region. Following the decision of the Plenary meeting amendments were made to the Methodology of ML/TF risk assessment in the Eurasian region.

The results of the 7th International Forum on supervisory activity "Instruments and mechanisms of application of risk-oriented approach in AML/CFT supervisory activity" and the seminar on exchange of experience in terms of implementation of the FATF Standards in relation to virtual assets were summarized.

The Plenary meeting welcomed the results of the first International Financial Security Olympiad. The important role of the International AML/CFT Network Institute and MUMCFM as the basic training organization of the CIS countries in preparation and holding the First International Olympiad on Financial Security was noted.

The 36th EAG Plenary meeting will be held in May 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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