
Friday, 05 November 2021 11:09

Online meeting between CARICC representatives and Programme CADAP 7

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On 4 November 2021, representatives of CARICC and Phase 7 of the European Union's Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP 7) had a meeting via videoconference. 

Azizbek Erkaboev, Advisor/Head of the Information and Analytical Division of CARICC, and Barzu Avazzoda, Analyst of the Centre, participated on behalf of CARICC.

On behalf of CADAP 7 attended Ernest Robello, Programme Manager, and the programme's employees as well.

Mr. E. Robello informed that CADAP Phase 7 is implemented by the Consortium of EU Member States (Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Greece).

Mr. A. Erkaboev informed about current activities of CARICC as one of the large-scale UNODC projects in the Central Asia, as well as the information and analytical work being carried out by the Centre.

The meeting focused on prospective of bilateral cooperation and supported CARICC's initiative to exchange experiences with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).

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