
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 16:18

Attendance of CARICC at the online briefing for representatives of the diplomatic corps

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On October 14, 2021 the Advisor/Head of CARICC OC Desivion A.O. Yazlyev attended the online briefing for representatives of the diplomatic corps including the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. M. Akhmetzhanov on the topic: "Experience of implementing new mechanisms of anti-corruption: results and prospects". 

The briefing was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regional and international organizations.

In the course of the event, which was held at the Academy of State Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. M. Akhmetzhanov informed about the ongoing reforms in the country in the field of combating corruption.  

Opening the event, the Chairman of the Agency noted that consistent measures taken over 30 years of independence, allowed Kazakhstan to form its own model of anti-corruption policy.

In this context he pointed out an important step, taken in 1998 in the framework of the implementation of "Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030" the first in the Post-Soviet area the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption".

According to the head of the Anti-Corruption Agency, it is precisely due to the systemic reforms that Kazakhstan in 10 years has improved its position in the Corruption Perception Index from 133 to 94, and the country currently ranks 62nd out of 128 countries in the international rule of law index.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Agency underlined that this year, on the instructions of the Head of the State, the Agency is developing the Concept for Development of Anti-Corruption Policy for 2022-2026 with the involvement of civil society representatives. This document provides for the introduction of liability for unjust enrichment, which is one of the revolutionary innovations in the legislative system.

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