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November 2, 2021 in the city of Nur-Sultan, a meeting was held between the Director of CARICC, Major General of Militia Miralizoda Rustam Aziz with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Kazakhstan, Mr. Jun Yamada.

Head of the UNODC Almaty Office, Mr. Naweed Riaz, and the Adviser / Head of the CARICC Organizational Unit, Ms. Asel Rakhimova also attended the meeting.

During the negotiations, the parties exchanged views on the state and prospects of international cooperation against the background of the evolving situation in Afghanistan, discussed issues of joint interaction within the framework of UN anti-drug projects funded by the Japanese side.

The director of CARICC informed about the activities of the Center, which is a permanent regional intergovernmental body to assist in the organization and conduct of joint international operations to combat drug trafficking. He said that with the onset of the crisis in Afghanistan, the Center focused its efforts on monitoring the drug situation in this country to analyze and prepare an objective assessment of the threat of drug trafficking, study and identify financial flows of transnational organized crime from drug trafficking and financing through terrorism.

Mr. R. Miralizoda thanked the Japanese side for the support provided to CARICC and UNODC projects and expressed readiness to intensify cooperation in the implementation of joint anti-drug projects.

Ambassador Jun Yamada expressed the commitment of the Japanese side to expanding financial and technical assistance to Afghanistan and the Central Asian region through the prism of international organizations, including projects implemented under the auspices of the UN.

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On 28-29 October 2021, the CARICC employees attended online the Expert Working Group meeting on Precursors of the Paris Pact Initiative online held in Vienna, Austria, in hybrid format.

The Expert Working Group is directly linked to Pillar III on Prevention of Diversion of Precursor Chemicals of the Vienna Declaration adopted at the Ministerial Meeting of the Paris Pact Partners in 2012.

The meeting brought together leading practitioners from more than 25 Paris Pact partner countries and organizations responsible for precursor action (more than 100 participants). During the two days, the participants looked at existing gaps, challenges and problems, as well as anticipated operational actions in precursor-related areas.

In the course of the meeting, a presentation entitled "Collaboration of CARICC and UNODC in the framework of the regional operation "Substitution Operation" was delivered by a specialist from CARICC International Operations Facilitation and Coordination Unit, including Controlled Delivery. Phase 3".

It is noted that Operation "Substitute. Phase 3" is focused on identifying and intercepting smuggled consignments of acetic anhydride, ammonium chloride, acetic acid, as well as non-scheduled chemicals that are directly used in the illicit manufacture of heroin.

As a result of the event, participants developed and adopted priority recommendations with concrete proposals and identified opportunities for operational initiatives and new activities aimed at disrupting trafficking in precursors. 

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On October 25-26, 2021 the delegation of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors (CARICC/Centre) represented by Mr. A.A. Erkaboev and Ms. T.V. Evdokimova attended an international workshop on exchange of experience in the implementation of FATF requirements regarding virtual assets and virtual asset service providers (VA/VASP) in Almaty.

Virtual assets, including cryptocurrencies, have been increasingly used in money laundering and terrorist financing. This workshop aims to improve measures to counter money laundering and terrorist financing by sharing experiences.

The workshop was organised by the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG), the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FMA), the International Training and Methodological Centre for Financial Monitoring (ITMCFM) and the People's Bank of China. 

The workshop was attended by representatives of the Secretariat of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the FATF Contact Group on Virtual Assets, the EAG Secretariat, UNODC, CARICC, delegations from the financial intelligence divisions of Australia, China, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Sweden, as well as representatives from Switzerland, Uzbekistan and the USA. 

Participants were provided with presentations on the clarification of the FATF standards, the results of the second 12-month review of the revised FATF standards for virtual assets and virtual asset providers, and a brief overview of the key changes to the FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Providers and an explanation of the key provisions.

In addition, the first day of the workshop the experience of countries which have been assessed for compliance with the new FATF standards was reviewed, in particular the experience of China (the country which banned VA/VASP) as well as Japan (the country which regulates VA/VASP) were presented.

There is also as an example of the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Uzbekistan and the United States in which participants considered the specifics of assessing ML/TF risks associated with VA or VASP activities.

The second day of the workshop consisted of presentations by delegations from the Republic of Belarus, Australia, Sweden on the organisation of VASP supervisory activities, including international cooperation in the VASP supervision process and the application of administrative, criminal or civil penalties against VASP for failure to comply with AML/CFT requirements and obligations. 

Representatives of national financial market supervisors, regulators and supervisors of financial institutions and VASPs, experts in blockchain analysis and cybercrime made presentations at the workshop.

The workshop concluded with an extensive discussion of the new FATF standards on VA and VASP and an exchange of experiences on measures to improve the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing using VA and VASP. 

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On October 28, 2021, at the interdepartmental center for training specialists in combating drug crime of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Director of the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors (CARICC), Mr. Miralizoda Rustam Aziz, and the Center staff together with the head of the UNODC Program Office in Kazakhstan, Mr. Naweed Riaz, took part in an international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Future without drugs."

The conference were attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Drug Enforcement Administration of the US Department of Justice, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement of the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan (INL), representatives of the authorities of Almaty and public organizations, as well as experts of drug prevention programs implemented in the region, specialists in the field of drug addiction and psychiatric care.       

The event discussed the latest trends related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in Central Asia and new threats in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking. Participants also provided information on the work done and existing priorities in this area.

In turn, the director of CARICC informed about the role of the Center in international cooperation and expressed interest in strengthening cooperation by assisting in the training and advanced training of specialists in combating drug trafficking.

During the event, an employee of the Center presented the possibilities of CARICC as a platform for international and regional cooperation.

As a result of the event, the participants emphasized the importance of interaction by expanding international cooperation, sharing positive experiences and further developing relations in the field of combating drug trafficking and preventing drug addiction.

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On October 14, 2021 the Advisor/Head of CARICC OC Desivion A.O. Yazlyev attended the online briefing for representatives of the diplomatic corps including the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. M. Akhmetzhanov on the topic: "Experience of implementing new mechanisms of anti-corruption: results and prospects". 

The briefing was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regional and international organizations.

In the course of the event, which was held at the Academy of State Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. M. Akhmetzhanov informed about the ongoing reforms in the country in the field of combating corruption.  

Opening the event, the Chairman of the Agency noted that consistent measures taken over 30 years of independence, allowed Kazakhstan to form its own model of anti-corruption policy.

In this context he pointed out an important step, taken in 1998 in the framework of the implementation of "Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030" the first in the Post-Soviet area the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption".

According to the head of the Anti-Corruption Agency, it is precisely due to the systemic reforms that Kazakhstan in 10 years has improved its position in the Corruption Perception Index from 133 to 94, and the country currently ranks 62nd out of 128 countries in the international rule of law index.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Agency underlined that this year, on the instructions of the Head of the State, the Agency is developing the Concept for Development of Anti-Corruption Policy for 2022-2026 with the involvement of civil society representatives. This document provides for the introduction of liability for unjust enrichment, which is one of the revolutionary innovations in the legislative system.

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In accordance with the CARICC Work Plan for 2021, on 14-15 October 2021 in Tashkent, the Director of CARICC, Major General Miralizoda Rustam Aziz, met with the leadership and representatives of the National Information and Analytical Center for Drug Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure and the UNODC Regional Office in Central Asia.

At NCDC, the parties discussed issues of interaction between the competent authorities of Uzbekistan and CARICC in the framework of organizing joint international operations to combat drug trafficking. As part of the preparation of information, analytical and research materials, the Director of CARICC presented the Review "The practice of detecting financial flows and confiscation of assets of transnational organized crime", prepared by CARICC specialists.

At the meeting of the leaders of CARICC and the Executive Committee of the SCO RATS, topical issues of regional security, combating transnational crime, countering the financing of terrorism from the proceeds of drug trafficking were discussed. The parties assessed the current state of practical cooperation between the organizations, outlined measures for its further development and strengthening. During the meeting the Protocol of the results of negotiations between the leaders of CARICC and the Executive Committee of the SCO RATS was signed.

Within the visit framework the CARICC Director, a meeting was held with the international project coordinator of the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia Yusuf Kurbonov.

The parties noted the relevance of interaction in Central Asia within the framework of UNODC projects through the possibilities of CARICC as an instrument of inter-network cooperation in the international fight against drugs.

At the meeting, an agreement was reached on expanding cooperation within the framework of the jointly implemented UNODC component through joint training events, including training courses on the operation of IBM iBase and Analyst Notebook software products, as well as the ArcGIS geographic information system, on management risks and security assessment of the international freight transport system and the peculiarities of the inspection of freight vehicles, risk profiling, etc.

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The meeting of the Director of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for combating illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, Major-General of Militia R.A. Miralizoda and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan B.D. Rejepov was held on October 13, 2021 in Almaty.

In the course of the meeting it was discussed practical cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, information exchange, conducting international joint operations with the competent bodies of Turkmenistan, as well as other issues of CARICC activities.

Mr. R.A. Miralizoda has greeted the Turkmen part and informed them that in spite of the difficult situation in the world related to the pandemic, the Center had been actively functioning. Contest for the recruitment of vacant positions was held, staff from the professional employees of the competent bodies of the member states were selected. Over the past year, several international operations were conducted, including the "controlled delivery" method along the "northern route," during which hundreds of kilograms of heavy drugs were seized.  

In addition, the Centre is undergoing repair work. It was also noted that a lot of work has been done to maintain the financial sustainability of the Centre. For this purpose, several high-level meetings were held with CARICC member-states, as well as with donor countries, and there are positive results achieved in this respect.  The Director of the Centre also expressed readiness to carry out the necessary procedures, according to the normative documents, on rotation of the Director's position.

Mr. B.D. Rejepov thanked Mr. R.A. Miralizoda for the opportunity to organize the meeting, and noted that the Government of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the activities of CARICC as a regional international organization for combating drug trafficking. Turkmenistan also actively operates in the field of countering illicit drug trafficking. In this regard Turkmenistan attaches great value to the activities of CARICC. 

The Centre is a unique project, which has not only achieved certain results, but also has great prospects for expanding international cooperation in combating drug trafficking.  During the meeting the Centre's headship rotation issues has been discussed as well.

As a result of the meeting, there was reached an agreement on further expansion of close international cooperation in countering illicit drug trafficking.

The meeting took place in the manner of a friendly and meaningful conversation. 

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On October 7-8, 2021, in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Rustam Aziz Miralizoda, Director of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for combating illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (CARICC) together with Mr. Naweed Riaz, Head of the UNODC Programme Office in Kazakhstan, took part in the Experts Working Group meeting to support II thematic section of the Vienna Declaration: Detecting and blocking financial flows linked to illicit trafficking of opiates originating in Afghanistan (Paris Pact Initiative) (hereinafter referred to as the EWG meeting).  

Delegations from 58 partner countries and 23 organizations forming the international coalition of the Paris Pact initiative participated in the EWG meeting.

Participants were provided with updates, research findings and selected initiatives of the UNODC Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism, the UNODC Afghan Opiate Trade Project (AOTP), the Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network for West and Central Asia (ARIN-WCA) and the Judicial Cooperation Network for South Caucasus and Central Asia (CASC).

The Director of CARICC presented information of the Centre's role in the international cooperation with respect to seizure and confiscation of criminal assets.

Mr. N. Riaz presented the practical aspects of international investigations in the field of anti-money laundering and asset recovery, focusing the participants' attention on the existing problems and ways to solve them.

A special focus was placed on countering the criminal use of virtual assets and Hawala-type money transfer systems as a financial means of illicit trafficking of Afghan opiates.

As a result of the event, participants have made recommendations with responses, including a strategy and plans for joint action.

Besides, on October 8 of this year within the framework of EWG meeting there was held the meeting of CARICC Director Mr. R. Miralizoda and Head of UNODC Office in the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. N. Riaz with permanent representatives of CARICC member-states at international organizations in Vienna and donor countries.

The Director of CARICC informed the participants briefly about the activities of the Centre, its goals and objectives in assisting to coordinate and support the efforts of the countries of the region in combating the narcotic business and countering drug trafficking.

The attention of the heads of diplomatic missions was drawn to the possibility of making greater use of the Centre's potential in the fight against international drug-related crime at the regional and international levels.

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